Frequently asked questions
Where can I buy tickets ?
Tickets are sold on board the Little Train.
Meet at the departure point
on the Esplanade Saint-Vincent.
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How long does the visit last ?
The tour lasts 30 minutes
and departures are every 35/40
minutes and may be slightly
delayed if less than 10 people on board.
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What is the circuit of the visit ?
Is the reservation compulsory ?
Reservation required ONLY for groups
of + 20 people. Otherwise, go to Esplanade
Saint-Vincent, a panel will tell you the time
of the next visit.
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From what age, are the children paying ?
Children under 4 are free.
From 4 years old, the price is 6€.
Children over 10 pay the adult rate 8€.
Where is the departure point for the visit ?
Departures ans Arrivals are located
Esplanade Saint-Vincent - 35400 Saint-Malo (between the tourist office and the castle).
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Can we park nearby ?
Yes, but you must pay a parking ticket
and places are quickly taken over in high season.
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For groups : where to park the coaches ?
1) Park the coach on the edge of the Esplanade Saint-Vincent at the drop-off point 2) Park the coach in the Paul Féval car park.
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Are dogs accepted on board ?
Dogs are accepted on board,
only if the animal does not take the
place of a passenger. Large dogs considered dangerous must be equipped
with a muzzle.
Is payment by credit card accepted ?
Payment is possible by credit card or cash.
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Are prams accepted ?
Prams are accepted if folded and placed
under your bench seat. If the pram
is large and depending on the number
of people, it can be placed at the
back of the train, if there is room.
Where is the market located ?
There are markets in Saint-Malo
and its region. You will find all the local
markets on the link below.
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Where to go for a walk ?
The walks and hikes are numerous
in the corsair city and the neighboring towns. Discover all the possibilities in the link below.
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Wich is the closest beach ?
The closest beach is Sillon beach
located 50m from the departure
point of the Little Train.
Where can we go shopping ?
Stroll in small shops or in shopping centers ?
The link below will help you find
the best places & neighborhoods
to "shop" according to your desires.
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